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Primary Hyperhidrosis – Major Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Options

Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) is more common than you think. But, many people are still too embarrassed to talk about this skin condition. It often occurs when the nerves stimulating your sweat glands to perspire become hyperactive. By understanding this condition and seeking skincare specialist assistance, you will get the best solution for this problem. Two types of hyperhidrosis exist – primary hyperhidrosis and secondary hyperhidrosis. Primary hyperhidrosis is the condition causing the person to experience excessive sweating without the underlying cause. It occurs anywhere on your body, but its primary focus is on the hands, feet, head, armpits, and groin. On the other hand, secondary hyperhidrosis occurs in different areas and often on a large scale. In many cases, excessive sweating results from an underlying medical condition. It includes cancer, obesity, heart disease, and hormone imbalances. On this page, you will know in-depth about primary hyperhidrosis.

Axillary Hyperhidrosis

Have you ever heard about axillary hyperhidrosis? It is the condition causing people to sweat up to 5times more than usual to regulate body temperature. It is also called excessive underarm sweating. It is an uncontrollable, embarrassing, and isolating problem Fortunately, multiple solutions are available for this problem. You should consult the doctor to find the best axillary hyperhidrosis cure.

What causes axillary hyperhidrosis?

People with axillary hyperhidrosis usually have overactive nerves, which trigger most sweat glands. As a result, it produces unnecessary and excessive armpit sweat. Even though sweating is a side effect of medical conditions or medications, primary axillary hyperhidrosis is a medical condition.

Primary Hyperhidrosis

This condition affects men and women equally. One of the major axillary hyperhidrosis causes is genetic. Besides, emotions, hormones, and too much physical activity result in this condition. This problem often develops during puberty, but the symptoms can appear up to 25.

Major symptoms of axillary hyperhidrosis

Axillary hyperhidrosis is extremely easy to self-diagnose. Look at the below to know the potential and possible axillary hyperhidrosis symptoms.

  • Changing clothes or bathing several times a day due to sweat stains
  • Sweat excessively and suddenly under your arum irrespective of physical activity or temperature
  • Getting a foul smell due to the excessive sweating
  • Avoiding social situations and feeling anxiety because of underarm sweating

If you think you have axillary hyperhidrosis, you should talk to your doctor and get assistance. It helps you to determine the right primary axillary hyperhidrosis treatment.

Major treatments for axillary hyperhidrosis

There is no cure for axillary hyperhidrosis, but many home remedies, products, and medications exist to minimize underarm sweat and its effects. You will find both invasive and non-invasive treatments for this condition.

In non-invasive treatments, you can use axillary hyperhidrosis wipes or wear sweat-proof clothes to reduce underarm sweating. Doctors also recommend oral medications and antiperspirants to treat the condition.

When it comes to invasive treatments, botox axillary hyperhidrosis treatment is highly suggested. The FDA approves Botox to treat axillary hyperhidrosis when the antiperspirants are ineffective.

The axillary hyperhidrosis botox injections will block the release of the chemical initiating the sweat glands temporarily. Botox is injected below the skin's surface, and thus you will experience mild discomfort.

you can go for laser therapy and ETS surgery when the effect is severe and problematic. As soon as you decide to take treatment for this condition, you should check axillary hyperhidrosis treatment costs and options.

  • Palmar Hyperhidrosis

Do you know that about 3% of the population is affected by the hyperhidrosis hands? Palmar Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition in which a person's hand sweats excessively. It impacts the quality of their life adversely. People with this condition may sweat even if the temperature is cool or while resting.

Usually, sweating keeps the body cool, and it is a natural bodily function. But, excessive hand sweating is a big issue when not triggered by warm temperature, certain situations that make you nervous or afraid and exercising. Due to overactive sweat glands, people suffer from uncontrollable hand sweating that leads to emotional and physical discomfort. Look below to know more about the palmar hyperhidrosis causes and treatment options.

Major causes of Palmar Hyperhidrosis

Are you thinking about what causes palmar Hyperhidrosis? As said earlier, overactive sweat glands are the primary cause of this medical condition. But, plenty of other reasons are behind this issue.

Since it can run in families, genetics play a vital role in getting this condition. In addition, it can be associated with other forms of Hyperhidrosis or with specific medical conditions. Some of the associated conditions are mentioned below.

  • Heart disease
  • Infections
  • Anxiety
  • Lung disease
  • Prescription medications
  • Stroke
  • Menopause
  • Hyperthyroidism

How to diagnosis Palmar Hyperhidrosis

Before getting the appropriate palmar hyperhidrosis treatment, you should visit the doctor and check whether you have Palmar Hyperhidrosis. The doctor will ask you about the timing and pattern of the hand sweating and other symptoms such as weight loss and appetite. Then, the doctor will suggest you do a diagnostic test when you do not have a medical condition because of the cause of the sweaty palms. Here are the major tests to take.

  • Starch-iodine test
  • Paper test

How to treat Palmar Hyperhidrosis

As soon as you diagnose this condition, you will automatically start to think about how to cure palmar Hyperhidrosis. Remember that having sweaty palms does not harm your physical health. But, it will impact your emotional health and quality of life.

Plenty of treatment and natural remedies are available. Reaching the doctor will help you find the right treatment option according to the severity of your condition. In many cases, the doctor suggests using the antiperspirants on the palms and taking the anticholinergic drug to block the sweat glands.

If it does not work, they will recommend medical procedures such as Botox, ETS (endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy) and Iontophoresis. You should know in-depth about these procedures before taking it. Visit the dermatologist instead of taking self-treatment to get the right treatment for sweaty palms.

  • Plantar Hyperhidrosis

Did you know that excessive sweating is also a significant concern? But, in the modern era, people will take everything lightly and forget to pay attention. If you experience too much sweat on the feet and issues such as persistently wet socks and intense foot odor, you are affected by Plantar Hyperhidrosis. Scroll down your eyes to know what is plantar hyperhidrosisand its major causes and treatment options.

What does Plantar Hyperhidrosis mean?

This medical condition is defined as the excessive sweating of the feet. It makes the patients feel extreme discomfort and often results in wet socks and shoes. Plenty of other symptoms are associated with this condition.

It includes foot infectios, blisters and unpleasant foot odour. Following the preventive measures will help ease the discomfort of this condition, such as wearing cotton socks and using antiperspirants on the feet. But, if you feel that you need medical attention, visit the doctor immediately.

What are the causes of Plantar Hyperhidrosis?

The overactive sweat gland is one of the significant plantar hyperhidrosis causes. It makes your feet sweat excessively in response to the increased temperatures, stressful situations and other aspects.

In some cases, there will be no particular reason for the occurrence of excessive sweating. The patient will experience sweating continuously without warning, adversely affecting their regular activities.

The diagnosis of this ailment is made according to the frequency and history of excessive sweating of the feet. The doctor may suggest a series of tests to find the location of excessive sweating and the severity of the problem.

Symptoms of the Plantar Hyperhidrosis

  • Excessive foot odour
  • Feet drip with sweat without indulging in excessive activity
  • Prone to fungal infections
  • Inability to wear high heels, sandals and flip-flops due to sweaty feet
  • Friction blisters

What are the necessary Plantar Hyperhidrosis treatments?

You should never leave this condition untreated because plenty of plantar hyperhidrosis treatment options exist. However, you should choose the right one to get out of the discomfort you face in your life. As mentioned earlier, you can follow general measures such as wearing cotton socks to absorb sweat better. Based on the doctor’s advice, you can even take oral medications for the short term. It gives temporary relief from sweating issues.

If you need a medical plantar hyperhidrosis cure, you will go for Botox (binds receptors that activate the sweat glands temporarily), Iontophoresis (mild electric current used through the water to minimize hyperactive sweat glands), and combination therapy.

Reaching the well-established clinic is the right way to get rid of the primary hyperhidrosis. The specialist will suggest the right treatment to help you get out of this embarrassment.